Monday, February 28, 2011

The Contract

The Contract was my first little film I did with Pat.  I just set up my little Flip camera and turned it on, the whole thing happens in one shot.

The idea came a long time ago, I just had a picture in my mind of 2 guys talking, one is a boss type and the other is a goof-type.  The boss has given an order and is trying to make certain that the goof understands him, using a list of confirmers like "you got it?" "you catch my drift?" "you see what I mean?" etc. etc. on and on.  And then the boss realizes that the goof, despite his acknowledgements, really has no idea what the boss is talking about.

So for the film I had to set up a situation: some important papers urgently need to be signed across town.

Once I set the camera up, I had to figure out how to bring Pat into the scene once the action is underway.  At the last minute I figured that it might just be a distraction to call her character ("Lennon") in, so I had her sitting there while the Boss is chatting on the phone.  The whole time, the Boss is apparently unaware that "Lennon" is sitting not two feet away from him, judging by his flinch.  By the way, "Lennon", "Trivits" and "Ogden" are the last names of three of my closest friends from way back when.

This was Patty's first acting gig!  Of course all we see is the back of her head.  I had to direct her when to nod and then when to shake.  My mother still teases her about it, that it's no good just to have the back of your head in a film!

Anyway, I thought it turned out OK.  Short piece of business.

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